
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Spirituals: Social Science


This song is "Wade in the Water" it is a song that informs slaves how to escape because if they go in the water they cant be caught.

What is a spiritual: A spiritual is a song that was used to help slaves with things like how to escape and people still use it today to show the culture and background of black Americans. They were used heaps and sung throughout the day when slaves were hard at work. Nowadays you may hear them anywhere including in popular rap songs and from popular brands.

Who is Harriet Tubman? Harriet Tubman is known for helping slaves escape from the owners. As an ex-slave, she was used to the song that was sung and used music to help escape. The way they did this was to use an underground railroad that when all around and through the slave states. These railroads were kept secret and slave owners did not know about it.

Spiritual songs were sung by African slaves to give them hope and sometimes give secret messages to help them communicate without having the bad people listen. They used songs like 'wade in the water' so they can tell the people when they run go to the water and so the dogs can't track them when they run. These songs were also used by Harriet Tubman who was an enslaved woman who escaped and that used these songs to tell others that it's safe and to go to a certain place. She used the underground railway to which was a connected tunnel and safe house that was used to move more slaves up north where they would be free. Wade in the water is a popular one now for it was sung a lot. 'You don't believe I've been redeemed, Wade in the water, Just so the whole lake goes looking for me, God's gonna trouble the water'

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Science - Model Atoms Hydrogen

AIM: To make a model atom 

1.Choose an atom to make (Between Hydrogen and Neon) 
2.Work out how many protons, neutrons, and electrons has. 
3.Hydrogen to Berylium uses the big beads. 
4.Boron to neon use the small beads. 
5.Assign protons and neutrons to a particular color bead. 
 6.Get a ball of blue tac and stick the protons and neutrons to this to make your nucules. 
7.Cut out the appropriate electron shells and draw on the electrons with a vivid. 
8.Connect the nucleus and electron shells with a piece of string. 
9.Create a label to go above the model so people know what you have created. 


Discussion: The atomic and mass number was one, number of electrons one, and one proton, the arrange ment was one proton in the middle for the nucleus, the atom is 1 because its only has one of a proton and electron, becaus its the first on the perodic table its hydrogen, there are two shells one out outside and one on the inside.

it worked very well and next time I would try to do something "HARDER" and more complicated because the one I did Eg: hydrogen was extremely simple 

Monday, February 15, 2021

reflection section 21;

reflection slideshow Text Title: Breakfast TYPE: Artical Creator: Better Health Channel 15/02/2021 Key Points: -Why BreakFast is so inportant -Energy -Essential Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients

Thursday, February 11, 2021

ties reading blog

the europeons came into nz with ties and then we decided to copy them and now we use tieswith suites and the only reasons ties are allowed is because of the treaty of waitangi because it allowes people from other places can wear there sort of clothing. lkie ties and suits fromt he english and the treaty as evloved overtime and its not as strict as it was at the start of it.

reading blog post

this is about the power of failure and tring to get better. It is about learning from you fails and mistakes and to lean from them and have a amazing attatude whilst failing. "it was pretty shit" Akira Ioane said from his own side of his life. Then his Dad kickstarted his fight back wich helped him alot. his dad helping made him feel alot better about himself and he felt like he could do better.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
